The Smith Family

The Smith Family
April 2008

Wilderness at the Smokies

Friday, December 12, 2008

The last time I was at Jessica's house, we were all sitting around eating pizza and watching The Wizard of Oz. This was Hannah's first time to see this movie. The following pic is the reaction she had to the scene where Ms. Gulch takes Toto away from Dorothy. She was soooo mad! It was hilarious. While we were there, Uncle Chris took Jagger with him to feed the horses so of course he had to ride one. Yes, I know he needs a haircut. You can definitly not see his eyebrows in this pic! Ok-last one. I was giving Jagger a bath, and he asked for bubbles. I told him we did not have any bubbles. He said, "You have that." (Pointing to the shampoo.) I explained to him it was shampoo for his hair. His response..."But it makes bubbles." Yes, it does make bubbles! Could you have said no? Look at that face.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jagger turns 3!!!

Jagger turned 3 on Saturday. He had lots of phone calls wishing him Happy Birthday, and he thought he was big stuff. Although some people did not bother calling, but I will not mention there names. They know who they are. Let it go-no reason to harbor ill feelings. We did cake for him on Sat, and his party was Sunday at Chuck E Cheese. Now for weeks he said he wanted to have his party at CEC after I finally convinced him we could not have it at Lisa's. (I know-Lisa is the bomb. My kids think she hung the moon. Well, she did so I guess I understand.) Anyway-the day after I booked the party at CEC, we planned to go get tokens so we could stock up for the party. All through the mall, Jagger talked about how CEC was his friend and he was going to give him a hug and a high five, etc. This goes on for a good 45 min. When it came time to go in to CEC, I explained to Jagger that we were getting tokens for the party and leaving. I was trying to avoid a meltdown. So we go in and I see CEC standing at the entrance with the girl who stamps your hand. Obviously, Jagger did not because when we got right up on him is when he noticed---and had a major meltdown. CEC had to leave before he would calm down. Now, at this point I have already made a non-refundable deposit. I convince him that this is where we are having the party and he eventually forgets his fear of the mouse as do I. Until Sunday, that is. The party started out great. All our friends were there, and we were having a wonderful time. After 45 minutes of play time, it is time to eat pizza, sing happy birthday, and cut the cake. Looking back now, I clearly remember the hostess telling me that CEC would come out to sing the Birthday song. Let me just say, it was not good. He cried and almost pushed Sam out of his seat trying to get away. He would not let Bert put him down or get near him. Finally, the mouse leaves and all is well again....until about an hour later. Jagger runs from one end of CEC to the other screaming once again. He said that CEC was trying to get him. We were there for 2 and 1/2 hours, and I only recall seeing CEC twice. I am pretty sure that is because of the reaction my child had toward him both times. Needless to say, Jagger did not want to sleep in his bed because he thought CEC would get him. We had long conversations about how none of us could be the mouse's friend, and the metal that he received at his party was given to each of us only after we agreed to beat CEC up. I know-scarred for life at 3 years old.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yes-I am still here!

Okay-I know it has been awhile once again, but life just seems to have a way of doing that. You know-flying by. I had a great time when I spent that week with Lisa. We just seem so alike. Staying at her house is like being at home-except a lot less work!! It was really nice to just get to be there. Don't get me wrong. We were crazy busy. Her youngest sister, Lillian, had her sweet, precious baby girl while I was there. It was great to get to be there for that. I was so hoping Lacy would come up so I could see her as well, but that did't work out. I sure do miss you, Lacy. Laiken and Jack are getting so big. Well, they all grow up too fast. I got the chance to go back to Memphis this past weekend. When I saw Savana, it was all I could do not to cry. She seemed so big even though it had only been 5 weeks. Okay-on to less depressing things....Since the last time I wrote, here are a few things that have been going on. *Jagger found his eyebrows! He told Bert that he didn't have any of "those" (pointing to Bert's eyebrows) so Bert took him into the bathroom to show him that he did indeed have eyebrows. I know-the kids hair has been so long all his life he did not even know he had eyebrows. He was amazed to say the least. *Jackson turned 6 years old. Can you believe it because I can not! Just seems like yesterday. He had a Halloween party at Jessica's. He seemed to have lots of fun. He had a pinata and a pumkin cake that Lisa and I made. It was really cool. He got lots of presents and $102 so he was really pumped. *Jordan has really pulled his conduct grade up. He seems to be doing better. He is growing so fast too. Only 2 years and 3 more months, and we will be dealing with a teenager. How scary is that? You all can start praying for me now! Well, that is all I can think of for now. I know we have been much busier than that, and I am sure when I start going through all the pics, I will have more to add.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I can't believe it is almost time. Tomorrow I get to finally see baby Savana. I am so excited, but I think the boys are more excited then I am. I had just finished reading to Jackson and Jagger. After we read, we say our prayers. Then the dreaded question from Jackson "Mom, how do you get a baby?" Thinking I would out-smart my almost 6 year old, I proudly reply, "You pray to God, and ask him to give you a baby." He then replies, "Can we say our prayers again, and ask God to give us a baby?" Great-thanks Lisa. You thought I was the one who would come back with a bad case of baby fever. So I just told Jackson that 3 babies was all I could handle right now. But Mom, don't you want a girl. I told him maybe we can talk Lisa out of hers! I can't wait. I wanted so bad to go the day she was born, but I held out. Now I will get a whole week with her. Yeah-I probably will want another baby after this week! So has it really been a week since my last blog. Where does the time go? you wonder. Well, let me tell you. We did go to Jackson's Orchard on Saturday. It was lots of fun to hang out with all our new friends (4 moms to 12 kids.) We fed the animals. I took my friends boys in along with Jagger, and I was going to show them how to really feed the cows (not just hold the cup to their mouth). If my sister reads this or my mom or dad, they will probably all have a stroke. I poured the feed into my hand, and held it up. HUGE mistake!!! They slobered all over my hand. Needless to say, I did not do that again. When I was younger, we had a lot of animals. I did not like to feed them. Now I remember why. It was fun though. We rode a horse which Jagger wanted to take home afterwards. We went on a hayride to the pumpkin patch. Then we all went to the park and had pizza for lunch. On Monday, we had lunch with Amy and Evan at Chic-fil-a. Nothing interesting happened there, did it Amy? On Tuesday we went to Bible Study, and back to the same park for lunch with the same group of moms and children. On Wednesday it was off to our new book club and Sam's. And then there was today, where I have been ironing, cleaning, and packing like crazy so we can leave as soon as the boys get off the bus. Now do you see why my blog never gets updated. We do so much it takes hours just to tell you about our week. Next week I will have a baby in my arms so don't expect much!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008


YEA! I finally figured out how to post the slide show of Dinosaur World. That only took--what--a week! Good thing because we are going to Jackson's Orchard tomorrow so I will have more to post.Then you all can quit worrying me about updating my blog:-) I know I should do it more. I just don't want to overwhelm all of you! Okay-it is late, and I am tired so I will talk to you all soon.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dinosaur World!

What a fun day! Today was dollar day for all KY residents (that would be me) with a valid driver's license (that would not be me). We have an electric bIll though! I have never heard of Dino World, but there is one in TX, FL, and here. Very cool place. We walked a trail that had all kinds of different dinosaurs throughout. Each one had a marker that gave a short discription, but to be honest I don't think I read the first one. I was to busy trying to keep up with Jordan and Jagger. Jagger, by the way, loved all the dinosaurs except T-Rex. From a distance he was the cool T-Rex, but up close he said it "freaked him out". After the trail we did a fossil hunt(played in sand), had lunch and played on the big playground, did a "dig" of our own (played in more sand), and finally called it a day. We were exhausted, but is was great fun. I know it has been awhile since I updated my blog. I actually thought I updated it a few weeks ago when we started potty training, but I don't know what happened because it isn't there. Anyway, that is what we have been doing with our days-Potty Training. Jagger is doing a great job too. He is such a big boy now. Too bad Bert won't give in on another one! Things are good here. The boys have made lots of friends, and seem to really like school. Bert is enjoying his new job. I have started a Newcomers bible study, joined the Mom's Club of BG, and have made several new friends. Life is good. God is good. He has TRULY blessed us with such a great family and wonderful friends here, there and in between.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Potty Days

I have never wished for a job as much as I did last week. Who potty trained my older ones, and where are they now? Now that it has been almost a week since the first day, it is getting easier. But i am still so tired of sitting in the bathroom!! I feel like that is all we do all day long. It has definitly been an experience. He made a "snake" the first day, and now that is all he wants to do is make "snakes"! I could really use a break. The boys are doing really well in school. They have made several friends here in the neighborhood, and are really happy. THIS IS THE BLOG I THOUGHT I POSTED BEFORE. I HAD TO ADD IT ANYWAY BECAUSE THE WHOLE SNAKE BIT WAS PRETTY FUNNY. ALTHOUGH THEY ARE NOW SNAKES AND DOGS!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

OK-Since it has been almost a year since I have posted anything, I am going to try once again. This time I am really, really going to do better! As most of you know, we have relocated to Bowling Green, KY. Even though I really miss Hattiesburg, BG really is a nice place to live-so far. I am starting to find my way around so we are not getting lost every time we leave the house anymore. Yesterday was the first day of school for the boys. Jordan is now in the fifth grade which is so hard to believe, and Jackson started Kindergarten. He was so excited. I really don't think he slept much the night before because Jordan told me that Jackson woke him up before the alarm went off. He was dressed and downstairs in no time! Jordan wanted to ride the bus so of course Jackson wanted to as well. I practically begged Jackson all day and night to let me take him on his first day. Even that morning while we waited for the bus, I told him I could still take him to school and walk him to his class and all that. You know what he said? "Maybe tomorrow mom." So he got on the bus, and he did not even wave bye. I thought I was going to cry. Then I worried how his day was going all day. I wasn't sure what time the bus would be home so I waited by the window for almost an hour and then outside in the heat for another 20 mins because it was running late. Finally, it arrived. I was so excited to hear how his first day went, but when I asked, all he said was "Not good." He said a little boy "probably 4 or 5" choked him like this, and then proceeded to show me how. I asked him why the boy did that, and his response was hilarious. "Well, I thought it would be funny to call them names, you know, I thought they would laugh." Yes, that would be our Jackson. Pighead was the name of choice, you know, along with cowhead, horsehead, etc. Well, at least he went back this morning. Let's hope today goes better.

Summer Fun

Old Blog Pics

Santa @ Rock Castle

USM Campus