Friday, August 21, 2009
Funny how you can't wait to grow up, then once you do, you wish you had not done it so quickly. The past two days have brought on much reflection in my life. All the things I wish I had done, but never did. All the things I wish I had said, but didn't. Then I started to remember all the good times that I have had. How thankful I am that Great Grandma was around to see her 8 great grandkids. Some people never get that chance. I know that she loved us all dearly. I know that she knew we loved her, even though we could never tell her enough. I really miss her so much already...and I haven't been home yet to feel the full effect of our loss. I know the little things can really set me off. For example, tonight at the appreciation cookout that the office had; both Jordan and Jackson sat down with a Diet Coke. Since when did they chose DC over all the other options...never...but knowing they did was very tough. So will I ever look at DC again without thinking of Just like I will never play dominoes or see the ocean or a jelly fish or a chihuahua or hear Tom T. Hall or Amazing Grace or red lipstick or an afghan among many other things again without remembering her. I am so thankful that her life was so long and so full. But I still miss her, and wish I could have just a little more time. I know that no one is ready to let a loved one go. I do have faith that I will see her again, and that gives me hope. She is in a place now with no pain and no tears and she is with grandpa. Lord help me to appreciate this. To not be selfish by wanting her here. It just hurts. We are all hurting. I wish the ache would just go away, but then if it did would we still remember?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wow. Time flies. And where does it go I would like to know. I know we have been busy, but still. School was finally out...weeks ago! Jackson was the most excited. The last day he left with Grandpa Dan to go to Memphis. Four days later he was ready to come home. Yesterday I talked to him for probably a total of 2 hours. Nonnie has taught him how to speed dial me. He thinks he is something. It is so weird not having Jackson here...and so quiet. We can't wait for him to come home. Even his brothers miss him terribly. Jordan has been spending a lot of time with his friends. Jagger, I know I say this every time, but he is the same old Jagger. His imagination blows me away sometimes. He got married the other day to Mary. They were going out to dinner, pizza. He was getting sausage and she was having cheese. Then they were coming home to pay bills. Mary is a fictional character by the way. We do not know any Mary's other than Great Grandma, and I don't think he even knows her name is Mary. I have been in a lull here lately. Are we moving? Where are we moving? When are we moving? Not to mention, my friend Amy moved, my husband is gone during the week, and I have no motivation to do anything from exercise to scrapbooking. Am I a little depressed? Possibly. Things will get better soon. God has great plans for us. Plans for hope and a future. How can you get depressed knowing that? I miss my friends back home and in Hattiesburg. I am ready to be somewhere and call it home for at least 3 years. A house too. Where my hubby can come home every night. Where our lives can have a little consistancy. Where life can be normal for a little while...if there is such a thing!
Friday, April 24, 2009
What a day.....Already!!
So it is not quite 9AM, and I am so proud of myself for what I have done already this morning. I was really on a roll with cleaning. You know-all that stuff that does not get done often. Well, as I am cleaning, the radio and vacuum going, I realize that I haven't seen my most delightful 3 year old in a long while. Remember-he hasn't been spending any time out from under me in awhile so this is definitely something to worry about. Be scared of is more like it....I turn the vacuum off, and that is when I hear it. The dreaded "Mommy, I need you to come up here." Never good when they say "need". WARNING: Weak stomachs should not continue. I have seen pictures of things like this. I have heard the horror stories. But I don't recall ever experiencing this myself. My child, stands at the bathroom door waiting for me. The first thing I notice is the 50 baby wipes piled on the floor. Then I see it. Poop---EVERYWHERE! All over the floor where he apparently tried to clean it up. All over the toilet, the tub, the counter. On closer inspection of the pile of wipes, turns out they were actually just to hide the actual poop itself. So I get the bathroom cleaned, and put him in the tub because it is literally from stomach to toes. I go into his room to get his clothes, and guess what? THERE IS MORE!! You know, Jagger doesn't poop ofter, but when he does, there is A LOT! Well, at least he didn't poop in his pants, right?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
An update....
Well, well. Once again it has been awhile. So much has happened in the past month. Two weeks ago we went to Memphis for Spring Break. It didn't turn out to be much of a break for me. I was very disappointed about not being able to go to Hattiesburg. I was really looking forward to seeing all of my friends there. Unfortunately, the city of Southaven has decided to dig a mote completely around my rental house. This action of course has led to me losing my renters of almost 3 years. After staying a little longer and speaking to several different attorneys, the verdict is that there is not a thing I can do....except pray that the construction company "accidentally" knocks the house down!! Anyway-on to more important things. My little Savana is soooo big and such a mommy's girl. But after a few days she started to warm up to me. I didn't see them much because of the house, but I do love to stay at Lisa's. Kinda like being at home (except for the 5:30 feedings!) I just couldn't believe how fast she is growing, and how much I am missing. She did wave bye bye to ME for the FIRST time ever. That was pretty awesome. And she waited until I left to cut her very first tooth! She loves me so much. I also got to see Lacy and the kiddos for a brief moment too. It was great to see them after almost a year. I don't think Laiken remembered me which is really sad, but Jack is so big. Lacy has her hands full! Why do they all have to grow up so fast. My mom was so happy to have all of us at church on Easter morning. And my grandma turned 80 years old that following Monday. It was great to be there for that as well. I really miss them. I stayed at Jessica's a few nights too. That always means too many late nights and too many margaritas! My family and my friends are awesome! They helped me so much with cleaning and painting the house. My dad, Jessica, and Chris are still working while I am here to finish painting so we can try to rent it out again. Hope the new renters have a boat!! To all my friends that I did not get to see: I am sorry. It was such a busy week. I did consider asking you all to a painting party, but that would have been a little rude considering I haven't seen some of you in years. I will see you on the next visit though. Well, I need to go get my boys ready for bed. Take care.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Today is a great day!
I just finished a scrapbook. I am so excited that it is finally done. Now I can finally start working on 2007 family album. Don't laugh. I know I am way behind, but it feels great to have accomplished one finally!! Jordan is at his friend, Bo's house. He has been grounded for 2 weeks so he was inching to get out of the house. Jackson just left to spend the night with his friend, Jack. Jagger is napping so it is almost like having the house to myself!! We still have been very busy. It has rained a little, but it has been pretty too. Jackson came home sick on Thursday. But he hasn't been sick since I picked him up that morning. Go figure. I am so ready for spring break. One more week. We are going to Hattiesburg for a few days, and I am super excited about that. We are spending the rest of the week in Memphis with Lisa. I am ready to see how much Savana has grown. I know she won't remember me, but I am praying she at least likes me enough to let me hold her and change her and bathe her and play with her and feed her and everything else! I am ready to see my grandma and Hannah too. They just got back from Texas with my mom. My grandma sounded so good on the phone. Not worn out or anything. That makes me happy. Well, I am going to go get started on my next scrapbook while Jagger is still napping. Who knows...maybe I will finish the next one too. Today is such a great day!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wow! A whole month has past. I guess that is what I get for bragging about blogging once a week. This month has really flown by. I am sick every other week due to all this crazy Kentucky weather. 80 degrees one day, 3 inches of snow the next. The past week though has been really beautiful. We played at the park and outside everyday. The boys were out of school Thursday and Friday (they should have used these days to make up snow days if you ask me!) so everyone enjoyed it. We went on a hike today. We planned on ending up at the river, but we never made it. I need to tell Ashley that when she suggest things like this, she should give more details like you go way past Kroger. I don't think Bert was very happy about it, but lesson learned-we will drive to the river next time. At least we can say we have hiked through the cemetery to Kroger if anyone ever ask! We read a book tonight from my sweet friend, Tracie. She sent the boys these books at Christmas. I'm not sure why we are just now reading it, but is was wonderful. "In a Mississippi winter" is the name of the book. The author signed it to Jackson and there was a picture of Tracie's boys, Cody and Clay, with the author taped in the front. All of this should have been a clue, but we all know I am not very quick sometimes! Anyway, I am reading this book, and the whole time I am thinking "wow, really reminds me of Hattiesburg!" This is probably because the authors live in Hattiesburg. It made me miss Hattiesburg so much. I ask Jackson if he missed it too. He said no. Jordan does though. I don't think Jagger really remembers. Well, that is about it for now. All is good. I am kinda wishing for rain just so we can spend a day at home. I know-crazy!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I survived!!
Interesting night. We ordered pizza, and they played games the entire time. It was not near as bad as I expected it to be. Jackson and Jagger went to bed around 11 p.m. Bert went about midnight. I gave in around 2:30 a.m. They said they went to sleep around 4 a.m. I told the parents to pick them up around lunch. I thought everyone would sleep in, then I would make pancakes, and by then it would be time to go home. Boy was I wrong. I finally got up at 8 a.m., but they had already been up for a long time before that!! I made breakfast, but I couldn't go back to bed because everyone was so wound up--must have been the syrup! The last one left about 1 p.m. I went to my meeting, and when I came home, Bert literally put me to bed with Jagger. He said we were both whiney, and needed a nap. Guess he was right because I slept for 3 hours. They all had a really good time though. I'm just glad we survived. Happy 11th Birthday Jordan!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Let the games begin!
And we are off to a rather crazy start....It is snowing. Funny thing is each mom that dropped off her child acted like it is no big deal. I, on the other hand, haven't seen much snow in my adult life. Therefore; I don't want to take any chances being stranded at CiCi's pizza with not only my three boys, but also three extra ones. Not that this decision had any impact on those 6 boys. They are all content in taking over my living room and tv at this very moment. Well, Jackson complained, but all he ever wants to do is eat out! I thought that this decision might help my WW diet. Unfortunately; I have no will power and ordered my all time favorite---pineapple, jalapenos, and (the worst) ham! Hey-at least I ordered it on thin crust. That has to count for something. I wonder how well my will power will fail me when it comes to all those cupcakes downstairs? I seriously wish sugar made me deathly ill. At least I still have most of my weekly points, which is exactly why my will power will surely fail me the rest of the evening. Well, I need to go write the check for all this pizza, and it is eerily quite downstairs. Too quite for there to be 6 boys down there. Oh, by the way, really pray for Bert. I am not sure we ever really discussed this so he may be coming home to a really big surprise! Maybe you should pray for me--HaHa!
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Week's Worth of Updates!
I did just noticed that for the month of January, I blogged 4 times. That is at least once a week so I am doing pretty good so far. Last Saturday, we had basketball all morning as usual. Jordan's team tied 12-12. It was a really good game. It was not a good time to send out that mass text for Valentine's Day. At half time my phone beeped 17 times for each return text I got back. So during the entire testimonial, my phone beeped. I am pretty sure only those sitting really close heard it, but I was so embarrassed anyway. We missed practice for Jackson's game (which he obviously doesn't need!) They play six minute intervals with equal playing time for everyone. When we arrived, they were already 2 minutes into the first quarter. (Is it a quarter in basketball?) Jackson was allowed to play the remaining quarters, and without being partial; he was on fire. He scored 5 times. I caught one on video. The video is with my camera so it isn't the greatest, and it is over 3 minutes long. But it is so good! The last few minutes left in the game, he tripped over another player. All you could here was the back of his head slamming to the concrete. He chose to sit out the rest of the game. He held ice to his head for maybe 3 minutes, then he was good to go. So tough. Jordan turns 11 on Sunday!! I still can't believe it. We are having 3 friends for a sleep over. I think this is becoming a tradition. Let's just say that this apartment is going to feel very, very small very, very quick. Pray for me now! Pray for Bert too. He is going to need it more than me. One more thing before I beat my rowdy, crazy, mean, screaming, aggravating, tattle-telling, loud, rambunctious boys. The Hulk came to our house today!
Yes--We colored both hands, but I drew the line when he wanted to color up his arms and both his feet!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Busy, Busy!
Sorry that I haven't been blogging much. I should do it every couple of days, but that is never going to happen. My computer has been acting crazy again too. I just got my Kodak to let me into my pics--Thank goodness! So I have some for you. We have been so busy lately with something everyday. Bert is still working in Nashville so we don't really get to see him much. He gets home so late. The boys are into their 5th week of basketball. They play at two different churches, but it has worked out.
Jackson is such an athlete. I swear he is good at any sport he tries. He most definitely did not get that from me. It is so funny to watch him play. Just like soccer in the spring, the coaches have to talk him into giving the other players a chance. He scores at least 4 times per game.
Jordan, unfortunately, did get his non-athletic gene from me. Bless his heart. He tries really hard, but after each game he wonders out loud why no one will pass the ball to him. I don't have the heart to tell him because they know he can't score. On a positive note, he is a good defender though. Let me add that the child also has no rhythm. Yesterday, he came home practicing the electric slide. Now I know what I looked like trying that dance 15 years ago. Sad, sad! He says that he is better when the music is playing. I have come to accept the fact that I can not dance. Maybe he will accept it one day too!
They are practicing for the Valentine's social on Thursday. It is so weird to have a son old enough to go to dances! I can not believe that in just 11 short days we will have a pre-teen. I am not old enough for that!! Bert is though-HaHa!!
Jagger is the same old Jagger. I always thought that it could not get any funnier than Jackson. He was always our comedian. I was wrong. Jagger will start answering a question you asked, but he doesn't stop. Before you know it, he has talked for 10 minutes without taking a breath about absolutely nonsense. It is crazy. When he is finished and he sees the dumb-founded looks on our faces, he just starts laughing like that was the point. He is also going through a scared phase. At least I hope it is a phase. He will not sit anywhere by himself. If I am running up stairs for 2 seconds, he has to come with me. This started about a month ago. One night, he realized he was alone downstairs. He started running and screaming up the stairs. When I asked him what was wrong, he said "someone poked him in his back" and then tried to get him coming up the stairs. There was no one else downstairs. For those who know me well, this royally freaked me out. Now he does it all the time. He will not sleep in his bed. He will not play alone. If I am in Jordan's room on the computer, he will bring toys in there to play with. Same thing downstairs. It is starting to drive me crazy. He used to play so well by himself. I don't know what happened. Bert seems to think it is his brothers scaring him so I have threatened each one within an inch of their lives, but I think the damage has been done.
Well, I guess I better go. Bert just called because he is on his way home. Good think we skipped playgroup today so we could clean house. Oh, by the way, I finally joined Weight Watchers ( I know I have talked about it for a long time now.) After one week I lost 5.2 pounds. HOORAY!!! I was sooooo excited. I am also helping to facilitate the Newcomer's class that I took in the fall. I am excited to get to go through the class again. I know there was a lot that I missed last time. I am also looking into getting a job. Well, Bert thinks I am looking into jobs. There have been a few listed in the paper for dentists and orthodontists so maybe. That is a little exciting and a little scary. I haven't worked in almost 4 years! We'll see how it goes.
One more thing before I close. While we were at my sister's house the week after Christmas, my mom gave Hannah and Jagger rain boots. They were trying on their rain boots and posing for pictures when Hannah announces to all that Jagger is stinky right when I took the pic. Jagger started to hold his nose too. It was hilarious. I didn't remember this until I went through the pictures that my Kodak software has been holding hostage. Well, here it is. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Will this week ever end????
Well it iced here Monday night and Tuesday so the boys stayed home from school. Then it snowed on Wednesday so school was closed again. Then nothing else happened, but school was closed today...and it is closed tomorrow too!!!! Will we survive or who will survive is more like it! Bert was home Tuesday and Wednesday, but today they were just crazy. They loved playing in the snow although it only lasted about 20 minutes. It took more time getting them dressed and then undressed! They never asked to go back out in it either. It was sooo cold. Anyway, enjoy the pics. Oh-in case you were wondering, everyone survived. Even through the weekend!
Monday, January 19, 2009
29 and holding!
Okay-growing up I had an aunt who always told everyone she was 29 and holding even when she was well past that. Well, now I know why. I thought 30 was bad. I just had to enter my age for whatever reason to try to win tickets to the Southern Women's show in Nashville. I put 30 and then wanted to cry when I immediatly realized that was not right. So from here on out if anyone wants to know I will be 29 and holding. If you want to know my real age, you will just have to keep up with it yourself!
By the way, I had a really good birthday even though I turned a whole year older. I went to see Bride Wars and to dinner with Amy. It was nice to be able to actually carry on a conversation with her uninterrupted. That is what happens when you have 6 boys around. Her wonderful and brave and courageous and completely unaware husband offered to watch my boys with theirs so we could go out. He lived to tell about it too. Unfortunatly, he is now aware and probably will never volunteer for that again! We had a lot of fun though.
I have to tell you about the card that Bert gave me for my birthday. The front says "Happy Birthday to MY Wife" "From the moment I first saw you, I said to myself, "There's the woman I'm going to marry, raise a family with, and share the dreams of a thousand tomorrows." I stopped reading it. I didn't even open it up. I was thinking "what is this!" This is not what he was thinking. Whatever. He even asked me if I read it. And I am still thinking-I don't even know. I just wanted the maintanence guy to leave so I could finish reading my weird, mushy card. The inside of the card reads "Well, actually it was "nice buns," but you hadn't turned around yet." Now that is my husband! It was like he designed the card himself. Too funny. That is probably the best card ever.
It snowed here today. No pictures. It was practically gone before we got moving. No one here was really impressed anyway. Jagger acted as if he saw snow everyday. It is still cold too. Very cold. I really should change my yahoo page to not reflect Hattiesburg weather. It was 70 there once again. The pools will be opening up there soon. That is if they ever closed them. I do not recommend ever leaving a warm place to live in a cold place. Makes the bitter cold that much bitter! They even got more snow than we did a couple of months again. To have it all--snow one day and 70 degrees the next. Well I definitly won't be complaining about missing their weather this summer!!!
Need to put these bad boys to bed. I can't even think straight!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Out of the mouths of babes!
Jagger says some of the funniest and craziest stuff. Now when Bert and I hear him say something, we just look at each other like "What will he say next?". First, let me update those of you who do not know about all our animals and extended family. Jagger says that he has dogs. Not just one, but lots. He talks about buying dogfood, opens the door to let them in and out, and sometimes they go with us. Once, when we were leaving the mall, I buckled him in and closed the door. He started throwing a fit because I did not let his dog in the car. This has been going on for quite some time. A month or two ago he started telling us about his new friend, the dragon. He talks about his dragon all the time now. His dragon lives in a new house with his other dad and sister. As he is putting on his very popular fireman rain boots (thanks grandma) to ride to Kroger with Bert and Jackson tonight, he says that his dragon is coming to pick him up so they can go to his dragon's house to pay bills. Yesterday, while we were at the doctor's office, Jagger told me that I had a fat belly and that there was a baby in there like Lisa's fat belly. I was trying to explain to him that there was not a baby, and it wasn't nice to say that. About fifteen minutes later, he tells a complete stranger (in is very loud voice in a very, very crowded waiting area) that she has a fat belly! All I could do was say "um...I am so sorry!" How embarrasing. Thankfully my friend, Amy, picked him up not long after that to take him to play group. Mine and Bert's mom say we both had very active imaginations so obviously we don't stand a chance. I guess we just start praying that he will grow out of it, but for now he definitly keeps us entertained.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
2008 Highs and Lows
2008 is finally over and thank goodness for that. What a crazy year! To start the year off, I turned 30 (which I was not looking forward to at all!) I spent my 30th birthday home alone because my husband was out of town that week, but I did get the best present ever (Lisa found out she was pregnant on my birthday!) I wish I could say the year was all down hill after that, but we all know that is not true. We put the house on the market, sold it a few weeks later, moved to a rental in Hattiesburg, 10 weeks later moved again to Bowling Green. Ok, so it hasn't been that bad. Jackson started Kindergarten, Lisa had a beautiful baby girl, Lillian had one too. Yes, we did lose our job, we both had strep throat the week of Christmas, and Jackson has it now, but 2009 is looking up. My sister got married on New Year's Day so that got us off to a great start, even though we almost burnt the house down that night. Lesson learned--never keep the left over pizza boxes in the oven because you probably will not remember they are in there even though you are preheating the oven to heat the left over pizza. Well, Jessica also learned that her new hubby really must love her!!! All Chris said, as he is dragging the oven outside with the fire still inside is "If you wanted a new stove, why didn't you just say so?" He must really, really love her. It was great to end the year with my family. Maybe the saying is true about whatever you are doing on the first is what you will be doing the rest of the year. I am hoping that it will be spending time with my family minus the putting out fires part!!! Well until I write again, take care!
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